Path play. Simple and integrated. It goes everywhere.


We can put play anywhere.

Path Playscapes are small play sculptures and integrated landscape elements that can accommodate any small area. Path Play originated from walking the trails and sidewalks of our home town. Every walk included holding the hand of one of my kids while she scrambled up a retaining wall or fallen log. Path play takes a child’s need to explore and play and incorporates it into walks and hikes. Path Playscapes are “pocket-playgrounds”. Toddlers and parents want an opportunity to stop and play every few thousand feet. With Path Play every walk has a wow moment and children are enticed to explore further, encouraging more physical activity and interaction with nature. Path Playscapes grow your user base by diversifying the activities your space offers. The best news: it works on your budget!

Because Path Playscapes are micro-play areas, they can be placed anywhere. Path Play is great for personal yards where they can be integrated into your landscaping. We recommend Path Playscapes near any garden. When children are near gardens, they are more likely to feel comfortable exploring the healthy benefits of locally grown fruits and veggies.

If your neighborhood lacks a full-grown play space (and the funds to make it happen) then Path Play may be right for you. Transform any community corner into a micro natural playscape to encourage community engagement, fun with neighbors and improved health for everyone. When there’s something to do in the neighborhood, however small, people are more likely to get outside, walk and meet one another.

Contact us today to see if Path Play is right for you.

And Check out Play Houses →